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Dr. Anna Joyce (Ashworth)

PhD, MSc


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Submitted publications and publications under revision (please do not cite without permission)

In press.

Halstead, E. J., Joyce, A., Sullivan, E., Tywyn, C., Davies, K., Jones, A., & Dimitriou, D. (In press). Characterising sleep disturbances and patterns in children with neurodevelopmental conditions. 

Chua, B., Joyce, A., Hayton, J. A. & Dimitriou, D. (In press). Impact of Sleep on Attention in Primary School-aged autistic children. Research in Developmental Disabilities.



Mughal, R., Hill, C. M., Joyce, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2020). Sleep and Cognition in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Brain Sciences.

Grantham-Hill, S.E., Evans, H.J., Tuffery, C., Saunders, E., Elphick, H., Gringras, P., Kingshott, R., Martin, J., Reynolds, J., Joyce, A., Hill, C.M. & Spruyt, K. (2020). Psychometric properties and predictive value of a screening questionnaire for obstructive sleep apnoea in young children with Down syndrome. Frontiers in Psychology.

Mughal, R., Joyce, A., Hill, C. M. & Dimitriou, D. (2020). Sleep disturbance as a predictor of anxiety in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and typically developing children. Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Gwilliam, K., Joyce, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2020). Early manifestation of sleep problems in toddlers with Williams Syndrome using a mixed method longitudinal approach. Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Joyce, A., Elphick, H., Farquhar, M., Gringras, P., Evans, H., Bucks, R., Kreppner, J., Kingshott, R., Martin, J., Reynolds, J., Rush, C., Gavlak, J. C., & Hill, C. M. (2020). Obstructive sleep apnoea predicts executive function impairment in young children with Down syndrome. Behavioral Sleep Medicine.


Joyce, A., Hill, C. M., Karmiloff-Smith, A., & Dimitriou, D. (2019). A cross-syndrome comparison of sleep-dependent learning on a cognitive procedural task. American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, 124(4), 339-353.

Yau, S., Pickering, R. M., Gringras, P., Elphick, H., Evans, H. J., Farquhar, M., ... & Mindell, J. A. (2019). Sleep in infants and toddlers with Down syndrome compared to typically developing peers: looking beyond snoring. Sleep Medicine.

Joyce, A., Elphick, H., Farquhar, M., Gringras, P., Evans, H., Bucks, R. S., ... & Rush, C. (2019). Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Contributes to Executive Function Impairment in Young Children with Down Syndrome. Behavioral sleep medicine, 1-11.

Hannant, P., Cassidy, S., Renshaw, D., & Joyce, A. (2019). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised-designed GABA tea study in children diagnosed with autism spectrum conditions: a feasibility study clinical trial registration: ISRCTN 72571312. Nutritional neuroscience, 1-17.

Kingshott, R. N., Gahleitner, F., Elphick, H. E., Gringras, P., Farquhar, M., Pickering, R. M., ... & Evans, H. J. (2019). Cardiorespiratory sleep studies at home: experience in research and clinical cohorts. Archives of disease in childhood, 104(5), 476-481.




Hill, C. M., Elphick, H. E., Farquhar, M., Gringras, P., Pickering, R. M., Kingshott, R. N., ... & Evans, H. J. (2018). Home oximetry to screen for obstructive sleep apnoea in Down syndrome. Archives of disease in childhood, 103(10), 962-967.


Farias, M., van Mulukom, V., Kahane, G., Kreplin, U., Joyce, A., Soares, P., Oviedo, L., Hernu, M., Rokita, K., Savulescu, J. & Möttönen R. (2017) Supernatural Belief Is Not Modulated by Intuitive Thinking Style or Cognitive Inhibition. Scientific Reports.

Joyce, A., & Dimitriou, D. (2017). Sleep-disordered breathing and cognitive functioning in preschool children with and without Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.

Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2017). A cross-syndrome study of the differential effects of sleep on declarative memory consolidation in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Developmental Science.



Hill, C. M., Evans, H. J., Elphick, H., Farquhar, M., Pickering, R. M., Kingshott, R., Martin, J., Reynolds, J., Joyce, A., Rush, C., Gavlak, J. & Gringras, P. (2016). Prevalence and predictors of obstructive sleep apnea in young children with Down syndrome. Sleep Medicine.


Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2015). The importance of sleep: Attentional problems in school-aged children with Down syndrome and Williams syndrome.Behavioral Sleep Medicine.


Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2014). Sleep enhances memory consolidation in children. Journal of Sleep Research.


Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Dimitriou, D. (2013). Cross syndrome comparison of sleep problems in children with Down syndrome and Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Dimitriou, D., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Ashworth, A. & Hill, C.M. (2013). Impaired sleep-related learning in children with Williams syndrome. Pediatrics Research International.

Annaz, D. & Ashworth, A. (2011). Sleep related learning in Williams syndrome. In Farran, E.K. & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (Eds.). Neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan: A Neuroconstructivist approach.

Annaz, D., Hill, C.M., Ashworth, A., Holley, S. & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2011). Characterisation of sleep problems in children with Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Poster Presentations


Joyce, A. & Dimitriou, D. (June 2016). Effects of sleep on early cognitive development in children with Down syndrome, Neurodevelopmental Seminar Series, London.

Ashworth, A. & Dimitriou, D. (Oct 2015). Effects of sleep on early cognitive development in children with Down syndrome, British Sleep Society Conference, Newcastle.

Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Dimitriou, D. (Oct 2013). Sleep-dependent learning in children with Down syndrome and Williams syndrome, British Sleep Society Conference, Edinburgh. 

Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M., Karmiloff-Smith, A. & Annaz, D. (Sept 2012). Sleep and learning in children with Down syndrome and Williams syndrome, International Paediatric Sleep Association Congress, Manchester. Nominated out of 150 for Best New Researcher award.

Ashworth, A., Hill, C.M, Karmiloff-Smith, A., Holley, S. & Annaz, D. (Sept 2010). Sleep problems in children with Williams syndrome, European Sleep Research Society, Lisbon, Portugal. 

Ashworth, A., Williams, A. & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (June 2008). Cognitive functioning in young adults with REM sleep behaviour disorder, University College London.



Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (2010) [television broadcast] Outline Production, Channel 4, 16th March 2010 (a documentary on the importance of sleep for children’s cognitive performance, comprising a two-week study of children’s cognitive abilities following sleep curtailment versus optimisation).



The Guardian: Understanding the value of a good night’s sleep. 

Sleep Education and Research Lab 

UCL Institute of Education

25 Woburn Square 

London, WC1H 0AA

United Kingdom

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