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Jessica Hayton 

Research Assistant and Lecturer in Habilitation


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Submitted publications and publications under revision (please do not cite without permission)​


Hayton, J., Wall, K., & Dimitriou, D. (under review). Let’s Get it On: Examining the role of parents and motor skill preference in the development of independent dressing skills in children with Visual Impairment.


Hayton,J., & Dimitriou,D.(2019).What's in a word? Distinguishing between Habilitation and Re-habilitation. Vision Rehabilitation International, 10(1), 1-4.

Hayton, J., Wall, K., & Dimitriou, D. (2018). Get your coat: examining the development of independent dressing skills in young children with visual impairment, Down syndrome and typically developing children. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-16.

Conference Presentations


10/17    The World Sleep Congress, Prague, Czech Republic. Presenting “Poor sleep and atypical learning trajectories in Williams syndrome” in a symposia entitled “Sleep related learning and behavioural functioning in children with developmental disorders”


09/17    BERA Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton. Co-presenting with Dr. Karl Wall: “Researcher and practitioner inputs into knowledge exchange 1: Children’s visual needs, habilitation and the training of habilitation specialists” in a symposia entitled “Putting Researcher and Practitioner Inputs into Knowledge Exchange in Practice in Aspects of Inclusive Education: Four Case Studies and a General Model”


07/17    The International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Bruges, Belgium. Presenting “Get Your Coat: Examining the Development of the Independent Living Skill of Dressing in Young Children with Visual Impairment, Young Children with Down syndrome and Typically Developing Children”


05/17    The International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Presenting “Contextualising fastening use on children’s clothing to inform the development of novel intervention materials suitable to support independent dressing skills in children with Visual Impairment”


05/17    The International Society of Autism Research, Marriot Hotel, San Francisco, USA. Presenting “Differences in Sleep Related Learning in Children with ASD and Williams Syndrome” [Poster]


06/16     Doctoral School Summer Conference, UCL Institute of Education presenting “Get Your Coat: Examining the Development of Independent Dressing Skills in Young Children with Visual Impairment and Down syndrome”


10/15    Lifespan Learning and Sleep Lab presenting “Developing novel intervention materials to aid dressing skills in children with visual impairment”


06/15    Doctoral School Summer Conference, UCL Institute of Education presenting "Developing novel intervention materials to aid the development of dressing skills in young children with visual impairment"


09/14    BERA Annual Conference, Institute of Education, London presenting "Developing novel intervention materials to aid dressing skills in visually impaired children aged 4-6 years"


12/13    Post-Graduate Researchers Workshop, Institute of Education, London, Presenting PhD research.


11/13    Group for Research in Developmental Disorders, Institute of Education, London 2013. Presenting PhD research.


09/13    ECER/EERA Emerging Researchers Conference, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul presenting "Get your coat: Developing Intervention Strategies and Training Materials to aid Dressing Skills in Visually Impaired and Non-visually Impaired Children aged 4-6 Years" 


Invited Lectures and Talks


11/16    Post-Graduate Research Group: UCL-IoE. Providing a talk regarding the final stages of PhD and Viva to PhD students


11/16    Post-Graduate Research Group: UCL-IoE presenting Get Your Coat: Developing Independent Dressing Skills in young children with Visual Impairment, young children with Down syndrome and Typically Developing children."


10/16    Induction for MA/MSc Students: UCL-IoE. Providing an introductory talk to the newly enrolled MA/MSc Psychology of Education/Child Development cohort regarding completing a Masters at UCL-IoE


09/16    Post-Graduate Research Group: UCL-IoE. Presenting an introduction to PhD for recently enrolled PhD students and individuals considering applying for a PhD at UCL-IoE


09/15    Mary Kitzinger Trust Workshop presenting “Developing novel intervention materials to aid dressing skills in children with visual impairment”



07/17    Shoreditch Radio: Interview regarding my PhD and Post-Doctoral Work


05/17    BBC2: Interview regarding gender neutral schools; filmed as part of a documentary


12/16    Williams Syndrome UK Magazine: Short news article about the current Williams Syndrome Project


11/16    Humans of UCL: Interview regarding PhD work 


12/14    Freemasonry Today Magazine: ‘Living in the House that Helps’


Sleep Education and Research Lab 

UCL Institute of Education

25 Woburn Square 

London, WC1H 0AA

United Kingdom

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