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Miguel Lois
BSc, MA, Ph.D Candidate

I currently work in a mainstream Primary school as Special Education Needs and Disabilities Coordinator supporting the inclusion of autistic children and those diagnosed with ADHD. However, I have also worked with different ranges of neurodevelopmental disorders along my seven years of working experience and learning. I am Educational Psychologist, Special Education Needs Teacher and I have also completed a Master's Degree in Children under Risk of Social Conflict at the University of Vigo, Spain.

Before moving to London, I worked for two years in a Therapeutic Centre with adolescents with mental health conditions as well as performing an extreme challenging behaviour. Then I move to London and from the beginning I have been working in education, first as a Teaching Assistant for one year, and then as a SEN Teacher.

During my studies is when I first became intrigued by autism, realising that all that is known so far seems to be a surface of something very big, opening a whole world of questions and yet, with a few answers.


One does not have gender; one does gender” (West & Zimmerman, 1987).

My research is aimed at exploring the awareness of the existence of a gender identity and gender stereotypes in autistic adolescents, as well as their attitudes towards those gender stereotypes.

Sleep Education and Research Lab 

UCL Institute of Education

25 Woburn Square 

London, WC1H 0AA

United Kingdom

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